Lansing Town Hall
PO Box 186
29 Auburn Road
Lansing, NY 14882
(607) 533-4142
(607) 533-4943
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM to 12:00 noon
24 Hour Drop Box Inside Town Hall Foyer.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Lansing Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, April 9, 2025 @ 6:30 PM in person at Town Hall, 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, New York, on the following matter:
PUBLIC HEARING: Public hearing of an appeal made by Kevin Kirby, owner of 89 Goodman Road, Tax Parcel Number 20.-1-8.220. The applicant has applied for an Area Variance to locate an Animal Care Facility within the required 150’ setback and needs relief from Town of Lansing Zoning Law § 270-270-37.7(C) Zoning Uses – Principal, Accessory and Temporary for the following setbacks: Northern setback is 150’+ requiring no variance, Eastern setback is 5’ from property line whereas 150’ is required (145’ variance), Southern setback is 55’ from property line whereas 150’ is required (95’ variance), and Western setback is 50’ from property line whereas 150’ is required (100’ variance). This project is located in the AG zoning district. This proposed action is classified as a Type II action and does not require any further review
Members of the public may listen to or view the Zoning Board meeting live or recorded on the Town’s YouTube channel at:
The above referenced project and its supporting documents are available for inspection at the Town of Lansing Planning & Code Enforcement at 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, New York or on the Town’s website at
Individuals with visual, hearing, or manual impairment and requiring assistance should contact the Town of Lansing Planning & Code Enforcement Department (607) 533-7054 at least 48 hours prior to the time of the Public Hearing. All interested persons or representatives thereof will be given an opportunity to be heard. Send comments in writing to Town of Lansing, Planning & Code Enforcement Department, 29 Auburn Rd, Lansing, NY 14882 or and your statement will be forwarded to the Zoning Board of Appeals for their consideration.
Scheduled to Publish in the Ithaca Journal 03/27/2025