Schoolhouses of Lansing, New York

At one time Lansing had 23 school houses, and some are still standing, most converted for other uses.  There is one on East Lansing Road, another on Searles Road, and the North Lansing School is still standing, as well as the Lansing Library, which began as a school, then served as the town hall before being converted to a library.



Field Schoolhouse
Field Schoolhouse

The Field Schoolhouse was moved to the Town Hall Square from its original location on Peruville Road

Town historian Louise Bement
Field Schoolhouse

Town Historian Louise Bement opens the Field Schoolhouse for special groups.

Field school house, white
Field Schoolhouse 

The interior of the Field Schoolhouse has been restored with period accouterments.

Luce Road Schoolhouse
Luce Road Schoolhouse

This schoolhouse is now a private home on Luce Road.

Ludlowville Union School, white, green leafy trees surrounding it
Ludlowville Union School
Old stairway
Ludlowville Union School 

Ludlowville Union School interior stairway

Ludlowville Union School Bell tower
Ludlowville Union School

Ludlowville Union School bell tower

Ludlowville Union School tower
Ludlowville Union School 

Ludlowville Union School tower

unkept, old School interior
Ludlowville Union School

Ludlowville Union School interior--upstairs classroom

School front window
Ludlowville Union School 

Ludlowville Union School front window

Searles Road Schoolhouse
Searles Road Schoolhouse

This school house was a private home on Searles Road until a fire resulted in the building being demolished.

Lansing Community Library, Red brick bulding, row of windows in middle blue skies
Lansing Community Library

The Lansing Community Library was the old Town Hall.  Before that it was a schoolhouse.