Water Bills

Bolton Point prints and mails/emails Town of Lansing water bills quarterly on the first day of February, May, August, and November.

eBilling of your water and sewer bill is available!  Sign up at Bolton Point.  There is no fee to receive your bill electronically. 

You have 25 days to make payments without penalty.  After 25 days, there is a 10% penalty applied to the unpaid balance.  Payments must be received or postmarked by the due date to be considered on-time.


The Lansing Town Hall is located at 29 Auburn Road, Lansing, NY 14882

  • Pay in person with cash, check, money order or credit/debit card.  Office hours are Monday - Friday 7:30-4:00; Friday 7:30-12:00(noon).
  • If the office is closed, payments can be placed in the Dropbox located in the Town Hall Foyer.  It is located on the left when you enter the building.  Dropbox is available 24-hours.
  • Mail a check or money order to PO Box 186, Lansing, NY 14882.  The postmark date is used to determine whether a payment is on time or late.  If no postmark is present, the date it is received is used.  Please note that bill pay check envelopes do NOT have post marks.  Postdated checks are not honored.
  • Pay bills online with an electronic check or credit/debit card.  If you choose to pay your bill electronically, there are additional fees.
    • Please NOTE: The online payment systems shuts down on the 26th of each month for approximately 7 days to allow for reconciliation of paid accounts prior to penalties being applied.  Once penalties are applied, online payments will be available again.

Any unpaid balances after October 8th, 2024 will be relevied on 2025 Town and County Tax Bills.

Final water meter readings and bills for a real estate closing are done by Bolton Point.  Please contact them to schedule a meter reading at 607-277-0660.

Questions regarding your water bill, please contact Bolton Point at 607-277-0660 or visit the Bolton Point website.